Latest Episodes
Jeremy's Utopic Graveyard of Dispair (I think)
Lots of beer news to cover this week and Jeremy's completely off his tits. Ecliptic sells out and Tyler tries to keep the conversation...
How Pabst Became Cool and Why GABF Isn't Anymore
Is the Great American Beer Festival in Decline? Jeremy and Tyler reminisce about the halcyon days of GABF glory, the current trends and what...
Chinese Beer Recycling Program and They Hate Our Freedoms (And Our Beer)
Is that pee pee I see before me? Jeremy and Tyler wade into a more Internet hysteria, this time surrounding a viral video that...
Schmidt Beer Elegy and Anchor's Last Hurrah
Do you remember Schmidt beer? Neither do we! But this week Tyler brings us the fascinating story about the shitty domestic beer that he...
The Decline of Hops and Bud Light Saga Continues
Climate Change is coming for your beer! Jeremy and Tyler talk about the effects of a warming world on hop production and how the...
Stone Cold Slap Down and Wet and Fresh Hops
What is the difference between a fresh-hop beer and a wet-hop beer? Tyler and Jeremy take a journey through the twisted maze of beer...