Latest Episodes
Lessons on the 11th Amendment and Please Don't Print Our Beer
Washington breweries win a strange legal battle in Oregon. Jeremy and Tyler pull up their vast (read nonexistent) legal knowledge to decipher what happened....
You Dun F*cked Up Founders Part 2 and The Real Problems of Macrobrew
Founds sued for racial discrimination... again! Jeremy and Tyler look into the latest allegations of the beleaguered brewery and how they managed to screw...
The Stupid Saga of Bud Light and No New IPA
Welp, the shit storm keeps pouring, so it's time to put on the waders and see if there's any dry land left. Jeremy and...
Breweries of Influence and Crickets Onna Bun
Which Breweries have had the most influence in the industry up to this point? Jeremy and Tyler pontificate about the past present and future...
New Baseball Rules Mean Less Beer and The Microbrew of Musk
Did the MLB just make a rule that will mean the sell less beer? Jeremy and Tyler weigh in on how the new pitch...
St Paddys Rebellion in Boise and the New Face of Montucky
No Beer in Boise on St Paddys?! In the closest thing they have done to actual reporting, Jeremy and Tyler discuss the rumblings from...