Breaking News! Bells officiall announced they are selling the buisness to Lion. Tyler and Jeremy scramble to figure out what just happened and what it means for the industry.
PLUS: An archolocial dig into one of the oldest breweries in Oregon and the strange story behind it.
Three new beer trends as seen in Tavour
And rare beer seekers have a reason to hike to the top of the Empire State Building.
Tyler is hanging up his podcasting spurs (not sure why he brought those to every recording, but a method is a method) and saying...
The entire crew of the Platform Taproom in Columbus, OH walks off the job. Tyler and Jeremy dive into the circumstances that led to...
A judge rules on the Miller Coors/ ABInbev fight. Cornsyrup vs rice. Whoo.... really cares? Goose Island steals a name from No-Li. And...