In the span of a week, two brewery founders buy their breweries back from their corporate masters. Tyler and Jeremy get way off in the weeds about mid-century German immigration and come back to discuss what constitutes a 'trend'.
The Brewers Association challenges the TTB to enforce their own laws. How your local grocery beer aisle is the next battlefield for craft beer.
And Revenge of the Monks. Trappist breweries sue over illegal beer sales.
Budweiser reveals its big Superbowl commercial plans and they are... Nothing! Sort of. Jeremy and Tyler talk about the strange history of Budweiser Superbowl...
Washington breweries win a strange legal battle in Oregon. Jeremy and Tyler pull up their vast (read nonexistent) legal knowledge to decipher what happened....
The beer news this week: Natty Light Hard Seltzer now the official sponser of Big 12. Sports got less cool as a result. The...