It's The World Cup, and we're going to talk about the most horrific thing that's happened in Qatar. Namely, their insane beer laws. And human rights violations. But mostly beer laws. Tyler and Jeremy wade into what it's like to be an imbibing infidel during the biggest sporting event of the year.
Green Flash is the brand that just refuses to die. We run down the list of classics trying to remember what it was about this San Diego brewery that captured our imaginations.
Vine Pair releases its list of 25 most influential IPAs. We talk about how they are wrong.
And the perfect beer to pair with every horrible holiday moment.
The plauge is still upon us but Jeremy and Tyler want to talk about literally anything else. Wanna talk about German beer warmers? Sure,...
Tyler couldn't be here this week, but we have an episode anyway! During the course of our recording sessions, we often have a few...
In their last episode before a long summer recess, Tyler and Jeremy explore a series of Kolsch both German and American-made. On the journey,...