New Belgium's Worst Beer and the Tale of the Lost Breweries

Episode 70 April 26, 2021 01:07:58
New Belgium's Worst Beer and the Tale of the Lost Breweries
It's All Beer
New Belgium's Worst Beer and the Tale of the Lost Breweries

Apr 26 2021 | 01:07:58


Show Notes

It's rare that a brewery makes a bad beer and tries to sell it. ... .... It's rare that a brewery *intentionally* makes a bad beer and tries to sell it. Jeremy and Tyler discuss New Belgium's Scorched Earth and what it means for the future of beer and the planet Earth. PLUS! The best of solar-powered beer. The breweries that are going the extra step toward sustainability. The paradox of Pactec, how this ubiquitous West-coast packaging fails to fulfill its promise of recyclability. And The tale of the lost Constillation Breweries.

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