Going Quietly Into the Night with Pale Memories

Episode 11 June 28, 2019 01:08:51
Going Quietly Into the Night with Pale Memories
It's All Beer
Going Quietly Into the Night with Pale Memories

Jun 28 2019 | 01:08:51


Show Notes

A monster episode for you boys and girls before we F.R.O for the summer. Jeremy and Tyler drink a flight of traditional and not-so-traditional pale ales while reminiscing about their craft beer history, debating the merits of small breweries and complaining about how breweries date (or do not date) their beer. Also, the Brewers Association comes out with their new summer ad campaign. July 3rd is now Independent Beer Run Day. And the weirdest beers ever attempted. And why 'healthier for you beers' is a fad that is going to die quickly and with no remorse.

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