Tyler and Jeremy are in mourning tonight. While drinking through the last six-pack from County Line Brewing, they ruminate on the rash of other closures and what the future of craft beer might hold
The thrilling conclusion to the Stone Saga! David beats Goliath but is it enough?
Carlsburg and Heiniken pull out of Russia
And a new beer that will allow you to drink and stave off climate change.
Ballast Point shuts down for the winter in hopes of a better 2021. Jeremy and Tyler discuss the merits of bars and restaurants hibernating...
A taproom of hard seltzer?!?!Our heroes stare into the bubbly, immersive abyss and wonder if they can somehow free trip to LA out of...
James Watt once again demonstrates an uncanny ability to fix any minor problem by turning into a major disaster. Jeremy and Tyler weigh in...